It’s just one week away! One week before we go into the shack and live there for several days as a way to relate to families who live in substandard housing all day every day. Although we never want to refer to someone’s home as a shack, we do want to help them make repairs that leave them feeling safe, warm, and dry. Not only is there a great need for home repair assistance to families living in the rural parts of Alabama, we also are short houses that provide stability. Alabama needs approximately 90,000 housing units for our underserved population.

What’s it like in the shack? Well it is cramped. It is only long enough and wide enough to fit a single size mattress. During the day the mattress is flipped up to provide moving space. And, it’s not tall. When I stand up, I only have a few inches of head room. There are gaps near the roof and air comes through the window-as well as bugs. If it rains, it will leak. And that is how many of our families live. Their homes need new roofs and better windows and doors.

During the day, I sit outside greeting people and telling them about the situation of our families as well as ways they can volunteer. And of course, we encourage them to give! I am also working to tell people our story and the stories of people we have served or are currently serving.

We will be blessed with local leaders and ministers coming to sit with us and raise funds and awareness. And as we have done in the past, children will be able to visit with us and paint on the shack. This is our chance to talk with them about the importance of community service.

Our goal this year is $50,000! Yes, it’s a big goal but with the many families we are trying to serve, a needed one. We hope you will give and find someone else who can connect with us. It’s super easy. Click on this link which takes you to our donation page or go the front page of our website and click the Donate Now button. Your gift empowers us to serve families and we cannot minister with families without your help. Thanks so much!

And if you are local, come see us at the shack!

Finally, we hope you like this little video!




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