Youth Mission Camp 2018 has begun and what a great week it has been! We are so thankful for our mission teams from Fayette First UMC and GracePointe at Mt. Olive UMC who came to extend Christ’s love with us in Sumter, Lee, and Macon counties. These students served through our home repair and day camp ministries each day. In the evenings, our summer mission interns led them through the story of Nehemiah rebuilding the broken walls of Jerusalem. Each Bible study launched a time of “drafting” when the mission team worked together to develop a “blueprint for mission” back home in their own communities! Mission is more than a trip so we sent them home today with a commissioning prayer to continue in the way that God had been leading them all week with us. We are so excited to see how the seeds planted this week will bear fruit in Christ’s love being extended in Fayette, Fultondale, and Gardendale!
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