So much for trying to do this weekly-I realized I was out of town on Friday and then ended up visiting with old friends Friday evening so couldn’t get this posted. But, maybe that was good-I wasn’t sure what I was going to write about. But, today, our pastor revealed his sermon topic for the next three weeks titled “Jesus is Lord”. And he introduced that with a tasty cleverness-introducing a phrase called “Numbness of Frequency”-and then using Krispy Kreme as an example-it did make me crave those sweet delicacies that we have to drive 45 minutes to get to hot and fresh. The point is that if we overuse a phrase it will in evidently lose its meaning.
“Jesus is Lord” may be more likened to Christian jargon than a real statement of faith. Yet, for the Jewish faith, grappling with Jesus as the Messiah-it sounded more like blasphemy. For the Gentile convert, it was a reason to die for only Caesar was Lord. So what does that mean in 2011? Sadly, no one cares. Apathy. Ho hum. Yea, Yea. If your god works for you that’s fine…this style of _______ (fill in the blank) works for me.
And why? The same reason the Muslim faith is the fastest growing religion and the extremists find cause to hate “Christians”. The average person in America who claims Christianity is like a chameleon. We blend in with the society so well-that no one knows the difference except our words. Two major behavioral patterns arise that have violated the commandment of “being Holy as your Father is Holy” and make us look like the general culture.
First-it’s the question, what are we doing out of love for someone else? Are we as likely to gossip, slander, back bite and treat others with contempt as the next person at our workplace? Are we as likely to spend our money on things we don’t need to impress people we don’t like as similar to our next door neighbor? Do our spending patterns reflect our thinking of humanity globally and how what I do or don’t do affects the impoverished family in Bangladesh? Are we more concerned about the politics in our country than the global perspective Jesus called us to?
Second-it’s the morality issue. Again, ho hum, who cares right? But, the divorce rate is higher in Christian communities than the secular community-yet we are all up in arms about “protecting marriage and family” in other contexts. Jesus is Lord? Yea…sure….Our treatment and view of sex is no different than the general culture. We are sleeping around, wearing little to nothing (and encouraging our kids to do the same), having affairs, shacking up, being entertained by vulgarities whether comedians, TV movies…and more…and then saying “Jesus is Lord” and then judging others…
Jesus is Lord must permeate every aspect of our life-it is the filter. Why, because Jesus died for all the junk listed above and so much more! He was tortured for our engagement in that stuff. So, if we really believe in a relationship with Jesus now and the reality of heaven and the eternity we spend with Him, AND if we are called to escort others to believe-how are we to be proven authentic? By the way we live it out. And not flippantly abusing God’s grace. How do we do that? By willfully sinning today because we believe we can ask for God’s grace and forgiveness tomorrow! Wrong!!!!! God doesn’t forgive that…not until it’s truly repentance (turning away from the behavior). Is this flippancy and abuse of grace turning others away as well? Will Jesus hold us accountable for that? I believe He will…see Matthew 25.
The “light” is shining right at me. I can see the inconsistencies in my own journey and stand guilty even as I charge.
I pray we all take a look and our authenticity as we claim “Jesus is Lord”. Is it drawing others to us or do they just chuckle because they see us living out our daily lives and it doesn’t match up? And for the kind of ministry I serve in? Well, it’s treating “the others” with dignity and love, making them realize they count. And doing that with respect and gentleness. Its realigning my spending patterns with what God prioritizes-and that isn’t big houses, fancy cars, designer clothes, and the latest gadget-those take away from my ability to serve others because I’ve served myself. (No “punch” on those who have these things if they are balanced with the same type of generosity for others).
What is it for you? What does “Jesus is Lord” do for you and how does it take on new meaning? How does that affect your family, church, and community? Maybe some things to ponder….
Have a great week!
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