Start of No More Shacks: October 31, 2024
We are in and today we kick off! I’m very excited! (Not to mention it is Halloween-that adds a whole other layer of excitement and fun!) We spent Wednesday getting everything set up! The shack I sleep in is in place. The guest shack is built and ready to receive guests and we have prayed to see the work of Jesus and His Holy Spirit over the next few days.
What does Faces of Restoration mean? We are highlighting the stories of six families whose repairs are complete or in progress. We can celebrate because of the gifts of all of our donors and volunteers who make the vision of a warm, safe, and dry home become a reality. Over the next few days, we’ll share the stories of Mr. and Mrs. Baker, Ms. Randolph, Ms. L, Mr. Harris, and more. We’ll share their stories of restoration as well as those who serve.
As we start off, we say thank you so, so much to those who have already given. I also invite you to think about the times when you have volunteered and served. Maybe you’ve been on a mission trip; maybe you’ve helped out a friend; maybe you served with your church. How do you feel after the work is done? How does it feel when you know you helped someone? How does it feel when we receive help and when we experience someone who is so generous and so kind?
As we think about what No More Shacks: Faces of Restoration means, we’ll answer those questions. I believe serving does something deep inside of us. Our giving reveals a deep love and compassion. It gives us hope as we share hope. I close with these words of Jesus. “No greater love has a person than this, to lay down their life for their friends.” (John 15:13).
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Our fundraising total is: we’ll post our first total later this afternoon
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