Unless you are a Soldier, police officer, nurse or someone who wears a uniform every day, we wake up with a few choices. It’s what to wear. Sometimes we can be extremely deliberate and other times just throw some things together. We consider our audience and what is going on for the day. In Colossians 3, Paul pens yet another list. A list of words such as anger, wrath, and malice are noted. These are items we are to take off, cast aside. He goes on to say we are to put on compassion, kindness, gentleness, humility, and patience. Now pause for a moment. Read over that list carefully. What comes easier and more naturally for you? What is more difficult and challenging? I found myself challenged by each of these words. Interestingly the list is bookended with compassion and patience. The root of both of these words is “to suffer”.

Living a life of compassion, kindness, generosity is not easy. Wrapping it all in love is a deep, humbling challenge. As you consider each day what you will wear, I invite you to pin this list up near your closet or dresser. Maybe the list of what to take off goes near the place where you put your dirty laundry :).  Paul’s point is that a life of love, serving God and serving neighbor takes wholehearted intentionality. We are so grateful to those who continue to live lives of intentionality with us-whether you have served, given, prayed, or something else-you are a link in a long chain and we are grateful. I hope as you read you see the fruit of ministry. Whether big or small-all were done with great love and we thank you!

So to summarize:

1) Put on values each day the same way you put on clothes-be intentional

2) These values are how we treat each other-it is how we live out “loving your neighbor as yourself”

3) Take off the negative vices the same way we take off our dirty clothes

Love is an action, a choice, and must be intentional.

Grace and peace-Lisa


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