Spending a summer working as a counselor or construction site coordinator at Alabama Rural Ministry’s (ARM) Summer Missions Camp in Tuskegee is a unique and life-changing opportunity. Whether you find yourself leading children at the SonShine Kids Day Camp or rolling up your sleeves and leading the home repair construction sites, the experience offers much more than just a way to spend six weeks of your summer. It’s a time of service, growth, and building connections that leave a lasting impact on both you and those you serve. Our deadline for applications is March 15, so if you or anyone you know is interested, click here to apply now.

Serving Others: The Heart of the Experience

At ARM’s summer camp, serving others is not just about the tasks missioners perform—it’s about the relationships you build and the lives you touch. As a SonShine Kids Day Camp counselor, your job goes beyond planning activities or supervising children. It’s about pouring love, energy, and attention into kids from rural communities who often face financial hardships or less access to educational resources. You’re not just teaching them games or Bible stories; you’re showing them they are seen, heard, and loved.

Likewise, working as a construction site coordinator offers a chance to serve in a hands-on way. You’ll work alongside and supervise youth group volunteers to repair homes and build safer, more stable environments for families who need it most. Every nail hammered, every wall painted, and every home improved is a step toward creating stronger communities. But it’s not just the work that counts—it’s the impact on the families and individuals whose lives are improved because of your efforts in Jesus’ name. It’s knowing that your time and energy have contributed to making a real difference in someone’s life.

Career Development: Gaining Skills for Life

While serving others is the primary focus, your time at ARM also provides incredible career development opportunities. Whether you’re considering a career in education, construction, ministry, social work, or community development, the hands-on experience you gain is invaluable. As a SonShine Kids Day Camp counselor, you’ll develop leadership, communication, and conflict resolution skills while working with children and fellow counselors. These are essential skills that will benefit you in any future profession.

As a construction site coordinator, you’ll enhance your organizational and problem-solving abilities, as well as your teamwork skills. You’ll learn how to manage a project, work with diverse groups of people, and navigate challenges that arise on-site.

Both roles allow you to take on significant responsibility and offer internship credit, which builds confidence and prepares you for the demands of any future job. But beyond the technical skills, you’ll also learn the importance of compassion, empathy, and humility—traits that are valuable in every career and every aspect of life.

Sharing the Love of Jesus: The Ultimate Reward

The most powerful aspect of working with ARM is the opportunity to share the love of Jesus with those you serve. Whether you’re leading Bible studies with kids, praying with families, or simply being a positive, caring presence, you are acting as a vessel for God’s love. For many of the people you encounter, your kindness and willingness to serve may be the clearest example of Jesus’ love they’ve ever experienced.

The experience isn’t one-sided. In fact, it’s often the summer staff and youth volunteers who leave the experience feeling more blessed than those they serve. You’ll be inspired by the strength and resilience of the families you help, and you’ll see firsthand how faith can sustain people through even the most difficult times. The gratitude you witness and the joy in the faces of those you serve will remind you of the power of community and the depth of God’s love.

Making the Summer Mean More

One of the most profound aspects of spending your summer in service is that it adds depth and meaning to your entire year. Instead of seeing the summer as a break or time to relax, working for ARM gives you the chance to reflect on the ways you can use your talents, time, and energy for a greater purpose. The friendships you form, the skills you develop, and the joy you experience in helping others create a summer that’s not just full of memories but one that shapes your character and perspective on life.

There’s a deep sense of fulfillment that comes with knowing your summer wasn’t just spent for personal gain, but for the benefit of others. When you spend your summer serving, it teaches you the value of sacrifice, humility, and the joy of giving without expecting anything in return. It’s a reminder that service isn’t just an action—it’s a way of life. And that lesson carries with you long after the summer ends.

Conclusion: A Summer That Lasts a Lifetime

Working for Alabama Rural Ministry’s summer missions camp is about much more than just completing a job—it’s about transforming lives, including your own. It’s about serving others in tangible ways, gaining valuable career experience, and sharing the love of Jesus with those who need it most. When you spend your summer in service, it means more because it’s not just about filling time—it’s about filling lives with love, hope, and the promise of a better future.

The experiences and lessons you take from your time at ARM will continue to impact your life long after you leave Tuskegee. So, when you’re considering how to spend your  summer, remember that serving others isn’t just an opportunity to help—it’s an opportunity to grow, learn, and experience life in a way that truly matters.

Again, our deadline for applications is March 15, so if you or anyone you know is interested, click here to apply now.



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