Stay tuned for Box City 2024!

On October 20, 2023 students joined ARM for Box City 2023 with No More Shacks.

A homelessness and poverty experience and fundraiser. 

What is it like to live in substandard housing? Is there a crisis of affordable, adequate housing in Alabama? What is ARM doing in response and how can I join?

Join the Auburn Wesley Foundation and ARM@AU a special over-night event known as “Box City”. This event is just for college students and is a part of ARM’s 15th annual  No More Shacks campaign and will take place “at the shack” with Lisa Pierce, ARM’s director.



      How does it work:

  1. Get a box, any box, or even a set of boxes you will use to sleep in. These will be on the Wesley lawn.
  2. Watch the weather and plan accordingly depending on temperature.
  3. You can also sleep in your car in the Auburn UMC parking lot.
  4. We’ll have Smores, a movie, and conversations around the challenges of people who are facing homelessness and housing issues and ways we can help.
  5. Sleep till Saturday morning and we will have a light breakfast as you head out.

   How you sign up and fundraise:

1. Register and submit your $5.00 registration fee. This covers refreshments and part of the fundraising.
2. Download/print the sponsor form. People can sponsor you per hour you sleep in your box or a flat rate.
3. Collect funds after the event and remit to ARM. You can provide the ARM Venmo code or Paypal code (we will send these to you)
4. Set up the online fundraiser instead of the sponsor form (or do both!)

Come learn more about the housing crisis in Alabama and how you can be a part of the solution as a college student.

8:00pm – 8:00am Auburn Wesley Foundation – 131 S Gay St


Schedule:  8:00 PM: Arrival for both nights

8:30-ish PM: Housing/poverty discussion with Lisa Pierce, Executive Director of ARM

Date: Friday, October 20 2023
Where: Auburn Wesley Foundation lawn (131 S. Gay St.) 131 S. Gay Street
More Info: