
What  a night-I am still reeling from what happened!

Last week I jotted some comments about being untapped. Meaning, God has given us all gifts, talents, and passions for serving in His world and for revealing to others his grace and mercy. He has called us to teach and show others how to follow Jesus so that we understand more about him. Untapped is what happens when we do not pour ourselves out for him-when we remain in a “potential” state of readiness versus a dynamic and kinetic state of action.

In one of our worship services last night, I caught a beautiful glimpse of what the early apostles must have experienced in their ministry. During the day the youth had been slaving away on a one hundred degree roof, working eagerly to complete before the week’s end. Another group had taken our day camp kids on a field trip to our office. As I walked under our shaded landing, I saw small groups of youth and children hammering away at mini bookshelves to take home. These would be used to organize the books we have been able to give them this summer. Spectacular!  The kids were lit up and their faces glowed with something they had built, learning to use hammers, working as a team, and taking home a finished product that they can use…the lessons learned are nearly uncountable.

This set the stage for worship that evening. The first hour was spent simply sharing where we had seen Christ in one another. Usually this discussion takes about five minutes, but this small team was really opening up and pouring themselves out. So, it was nine o’clock before we even started our actual discussion-and we are supposed to be finished by 9:30! Not to happen. Our time together was an in-depth dissecting of the Good Samaritan parable. The discussions were rich, heartfelt, and we struggled with where we would be. But then something else happened.

We were writing down the things that stop us from being “tapped”; hurdles that block the potential for God to use us in small ways but also in powerful ways outside of our realm of comfort and security. As we were nailing these to the cross and everyone was praying, singing, and moving to the cross, an unleashing of the Holy Spirit poured into the room. Youth, college students, and adults, began to break open. What had been sniffles turned into deep, uncontrollable sobs in the room. The boldness of one servant publicly proclaiming the sin holding him from complete service dispelled all hesitancy to be real and honest before God and between other believers. And they poured out!  For the next hour, we worshipped, prayed, sang, and cried. Students and adults moved through the crowd hugging, praying, and weeping with one another. At some points, there was subtle laughter as freedom and release may have been felt for the first time in several years. We had worshipped for several hours yet time had seemed to disappear.

I left that night saying- do not forget this moment. It is rare for us today. I awoke this morning, revitalized with our mission and our purpose-to make disciples and followers of Jesus. It has been happening as we worked and served with others in the community, but more so, as we rallied together in total surrender and worship. The constraints of time, fear of failure, fear of being judged, and so much more melted away in that small room, gathered late together, with dim lights but burning hearts. Now, we must resettle into the groove and get back to work. The perspective is fresh, the intense power of the Holy Spirit not just words but a vital, life giving Presence within all of us that is now driving us into others lives to live out this Gospel;  this good news. I cannot wait to be with this group again this night. To reflect and worship once again! Are you allowing God to “tap” you!


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