Sunday’s rest

The last 24 hours (From Sunday till Monday) has shifted dramatically. We topped $5Kwhich is better than where we were this time last year.  But here are a few thoughts from the last 24 hours.

It was great to worship with the Wesley students on Sunday night. After Sunday morning, the church crowd had died down and Auburn went sleepily peaceful. After three nights of preparation and then celebration for the AU/Ole Miss game, all slowed down to a quiet hum as people napped and returned to college studies. I was even able to a catch a few minutes of nap time early that afternoon.  A few “Picassos” came by adding color to the shack. They were fun and rambunctious. Hearing their family story touched my heart and I was reminded that everyone has struggles. We can appear so together on the outside and be filled with pain and brokenness on the inside. The Good News is that the family had found a home and community at a local church and gaining the needed support and encouragement.

It was a slow donation day but ok. Dinner was brought by Andi and we had a great conversation. Two students, Nikki and Kristan, came and sat by the fire for awhile. The students shared their summer experiences in Uganda and spoke of their heart and passion to return and serve more long term after completing their degrees.

Quite honestly, the best part of this fundraiser is the people. I have the best discussions and learn the most intriguing things from them. My heart is touched as they speak from their pain and struggle. I am inspired when they share their dreams and visions Christ has given them.

Finally the night ended being able to worship with the AU Wesley college students. I always appreciate their authenticity and heart. I love their leadership capacity and potential being put to God’s use. They talked about their mission experiences from last year; what it meant to them and used it to encourage others to listen to God about how they would be used. I remember being in their shoes 20 years ago, in that same room, trying to “figure it out”. It’s neat sitting on this side…although I still find myself at moments trying to figure it out…still…

Sleep came fast and easy. Getting up the challenge-I was literally paralyzed by the warmth of my sleeping bag and had no desire to get out. But work and ministry beckoned. A cold day to start would warm quickly. More blessings to come.


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