Hello Awesome ARM People!

We hope that this finds you safe and doing well as we all navigate through what life looks like with a virus amongst us. At ARM we still have a few teams who have been with us, and the adjustments of wearing masks, distancing ourselves, and washing hands have been tough to abide by, but we are enjoying our time. We have done our very best to continue the good work that we would have been doing with you during this time, and because of that we want to show you what’s been going on!

We have seen and heard of many wonderful ways that you are continuing to minister to your youth and want to offer some of the materials you would have gotten from us had we been able to gather together. We hope that you will use these included materials to learn about how we can all Love God with all our Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength and Love our Neighbor as Ourself. We are sending our Pre-Mission Bible Studies (CLICK HERE TO ACCESS BIBLE STUDIES), and our Summer Booklets (CLICK HERE TO ACCESS BOOKLETS) which will allow you to have the devotional materials from our nightly worship sessions. We hope that these, along with the included lunch devotions and morning devotions, will be a way to experience our theme Go and Do Likewise from Luke 10:37. It is actually the last part of the parable of the Good Samaritan.

So What Has Been Going On with ARM this Summer?

We brought in a team of 6 interns who have done a great job of adapting. When they finished their traditional two weeks of training they began the work in early June. We have 1 Site Leader, 3 Construction Coordinators, and 2 Day Camp Counselors. The Construction Coordinators have been working alongside the ARM full-time staff to continue helping people who have been affected by the Lee County tornadoes of March 3, 2019. They have put on roofs, tarped, and re-tarped homes this summer as well as moving the ARM tool headquarters to a larger location that will allow us to better host future teams. 

Our Day Camp Team has gone virtual! Our 2 day camp counselors and our site leader have been working very hard to produce video content for this summer. Our team records videos with educational activities, Bible lessons, exercises, and more! When they’re not recording videos, they are putting together Virtual Day Camp Kits. These kits consist of all the materials needed to follow along with the videos so that our day camp children can still have a day camp experience! We have had some of you send in videos as well that have been awesome additions to the lives of these day camp children! If you would like to send in some videos, contact our Site Leader Brandy Turner (brandy@arm-al.org), and she will help you get started! Our SonShine Kids Day Camp Virtual Day Camp can be found at www.arm-al.org/virtualdaycamp!

As you conclude summer activities, we will be praying for you and your group to use this time where we are separated to learn more about God so that we can Go and Do Likewise when it is a little safer to do so!



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